
Monday, 31 May 2021

Eva and the Witch

 The wild forest where there were all sorts of houses that looked haunted but inside it might not be as bad as it looks on the outside. There were witches and a little girl named Eva. The trees on each side are special because the tree on the right has important potions that are used by the witches. The witches live on the floating island all the way at the back . Did you see Eva chilling by the left side tree ? Well the witches and Eva are enemies.

The witch would always go to Eva's tree house around 8pm and disturb her, Eva would just stay in her tree house and play with her toys she stole from the tree house that the witches owned. Eva would enter the witches' tree house when she was asleep.

Eva goes outside to get fresh air,  She tells herself that she needs to step up and needs to start setting up traps so the witch wouldn’t disturb her. She starts to go around and gather up all the ingredients and utensils she needs. Once it was night she went to bed and let the action happen...

Task description : Today we had to use our imagination to make a story!

Friday, 28 May 2021

Animal testing

In my opinion I think animal testing shouldn't happen to anmials, the reason I think that is so there health can be normal.  There are different types of medicines they get , Some are actully really good for them and can help them. We should stop animal testing for many reasons. They can die from getting tested or after getting tested , I feel like it's not a good idea to that!

Hyper link this doc onto a new tab to see more information from me.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

What if

What if I could see in the dark.

Te Reo

In some of these slides they describe me, There are also some words and phrase's you can learn from here.

Friday, 21 May 2021

Pink shirt day

Why we have pink shirt day and why its good for every human. 

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

All about me 2021


Kia ora,

My name is Mokoia and I go to Glen Taylor school. I am a year 6. My teacher is Mrs Dhaliwal.My favourite thing to do in my spare time is to do sports. My favourite subjects are maths and writing. I think I’m good at maths. My goal for this year is to get better at Reading. 

Thank you for visiting my blog! 

Friday, 14 May 2021

Hit the button

                                                          Hit the button - Maths activaty 

Mokoia & Angellynah Summary

This task My buddy and I done a Summary. We had to write about Testing the waters.
 There are abit of facts and aboit of intresting words.

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Hit the button

Today's activity we have done hit the button and my score was 22 out of 23 .
I choose addition so I can start off easy.


Facts about Museum

This task was easy . On 12th May room 5 and 6 went to the Museum and we went into groups. My group first went to the volcanos and other rooms. My favourite room was the room when there are some Anzac storys.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

After reading Anzac books

This task was easy we had to right some facts and draw something that can represent the soldiers so I drew a poppy from shapes.

What I want to be 10 years time

This task for today was to do a biography about me in ten years time and the Harry Potter author, This is J.K Rowling , J.K Rowling is a author to all the Harry Potter books . In ten years time I would like to be a poliewoman so everything can be in peace and calm.